#wearedotbarcelona / News

Barcelona’s energy is energia.barcelona

Cities are responsible for 70% of the CO2 emissions generated around the globe and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Yet while they’re part of the problem, they are also clearly essential in the solution.

Barcelona consumes 13.222 GWh a year, with renewable energies producing 1.229 GWh of this. This is a figure that needs to be increased significantly, which is why the city is working to build its own energy model based on the supply of 100% renewable energy, with zero emissions and democratically accessible to everybody.

The city thus continues its long-running fight against climate change, which since 2002 has seen it develop various planning measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the generation of local renewable energy, improve energy efficiency and adapt to the expected impacts.You can find full information on the website energia.barcelona, where you can also check your energy rights  and access documents, advice and guides on improving energy savings.

Panells solars a la façana de la Fàbrica del Sol de Barcelona.