
Five tips for updating the design of your website

As the digital world evolves, the landscape of website design also changes to adapt to users’ needs and the latest technology. Here are some of the most notable trends in website design in 2024.

1. Dark mode

Dark mode continues to gain in popularity as it offers benefits such as reduced visual stress and battery power saving for mobile devices. Many websites offer clear and dark mode options so users can choose the one they prefer and improve the browsing experience.

2. Bento grid

The Bento grid aims to simplify and order website pages more efficiently. Inspired by the principle of the Japanese Bento Box, this trend organises content into clearly defined sections using a combination of generous white spaces and graphic or visual elements to separate the different parts of the website. The structure facilitates browsing and comprehension of information for users, creating a more intuitive and pleasing experience.

3. Innovative typographic design

Typography has always been a crucial part of website design, but now more than ever there is a greater use of personalised and bold typographies to capture people’s attention. Frome the use of variable fonts to typological experimentation, designers play with possibilities to create more interesting and attractive reading experiences.

4. Priority for accessibility

With a growing focus on digital inclusion and accessibility, websites prioritise accessibledesign to guarantee that all users, including those with some sort of disability, can access and engage with online content easily. This includes optimising screens for reading, contrasting colours better and improving simplified browsing.

5. Micro-interactions and subtle animations

Micro-interactions and subtle animations play an important role in user experience (UX) on websites. From buttons with transition effects to animation responses when moving the cursor, these details play a key part in improving user engagement with online content.

We hope these tips prove useful if you’re thinking of updating your website and adapting it to current trends to improve user experience and browsing.